Saturday, November 22, 2008


In his book "Velvet Elvis", Rob Bell wrote, "God has spoken. The rest is just commentary." There's a lot of truth to that. Think about it. When it comes to Chritianity, we have only one source of ultimate truth. And that source was written over a period of centuries and was completed nearly two thousand years ago. Every other book, sermon, and blog since then is simply a commentary on that one source. The writers of the Bible aren't exactly available for an interview, so it's up to us to bring forth meaning from those pages.

Why do I mention this? Because I want to try and encourage discussion. As I've said before, I really have no motive for writing any of what I do other than to simply put my thoughts into a concrete form for myself. If anyone else wants to read along, that's great. On the other hand though, I would love to see some interaction. I'm certainly not the only one out there with an opinion. I'd love to know if someone thinks I'm totally off base or if I'm on the right track. To be honest, I really thought my post on the election would draw some feedback. After all, what's more "controversial" than religion and politics? But that's ok. We'll get there.

If you're reading this on MySpace or Facebook (and likely you are), and you've thought about commenting but don't want your name tied to it, that's ok. Just go to my actual site at and you can comment there annonomously if you prefer.
Gos has spoken, let's have some commentary.

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