Sunday, February 8, 2009

New(er) Features

I'm currently working on a couple of new posts, but they are stuck in my Blackberry right now. I wanted to try out my new bluetooth keyboard so I downloaded a trial version of Microsoft Office Mobile and started typing away. I was working on one post today when I realized the program was having trouble keeping up with my typing. I decided to just save the file to the memory card and transfer it to my laptop to finish. Well apparently, since it's only a trial version, the file seems to be encrypted to where I can't do anything with it. So, all that is to say that I promise I'm working on new content, but it will have to wait until I either re-type it or pony up the $29.95 to register the program.

In the meantime, I figured I would alert you all to some of the new features here at 6:22. Some have already been in place for a little while while a couple others are new.

1) Subscription. You can now subscribe to, or "follow" this blog by clicking on the link on the right of the page and following the instructions. Some of you have already done this and I encourage others to do it as well. This way, you'll always be alerted when there is a new post. Also, you can see who else subscribes and check out their blogs as well. You do not need to have a blog of your own to subscribe.

2) E-mail a post. This one is new. If you look at the bottom of each post now, you'll see a small envelope icon. You can use this to e-mail a link to that post to any of your friends who might find it interesting.

3) Bible Gateway Search. Bible Gateway is one of my favorite free online Bible resources. They offer a multitude of versions and plenty of cross reference and topical options. I know that many times, when reading other blogs, I've had a thought cross my mind and have wanted to look up some passage or another. Now you can do that with the search box located on the right hand side of the page.

4) C.S. Lewis Quote of the day. Not much to say about this really. I like C.S. Lewis and his approach to Christianity. I'm noticing that there is not a lot of variety in the number of quotes, so we'll see how long I keep it up. For now though, enjoy thinking on the wisdom of Lewis.

That's really about it for now. There're a few other things I'm contemplating but we'll see. Any suggestions are appreciated. And look for a new post shortly. I think I'm just going to bite the bullet for now and re-type one.

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